Speed Vs. Velocity

Brent Wouters
Jan 4, 2023

Speed and urgency are great values for measuring success goals, but they’re not stand-alone traits. Combining both magnitude and direction to generate velocity within an organization is a process that can track forward momentum and make sure every step is intentional towards your goal.

There are many different directions that are open for you to take, but not all of them are ones that will benefit you or help you achieve your goal. You need to have a clear vision for which path to take and use that momentum to propel you closer to your super-sized vision. Saying no is a very critical part of that process — having lots of options is exciting, until you need to whittle it down to one option. Practice saying no and keep yourself moving in the right direction.



Brent Wouters

Brent Wouters transforms companies using a combination of high-touch human interaction and technological innovation to build a Culture of Belief.